Shina Cover Song | Mai Xindagi Ar Watay Jo | Mujeeb Ur Rehman, Salah Uddin Hasrat | GB Songs

Shina Cover Song 
Mai Xindagi Ar Watay Jo 
 Mujeeb Ur Rehman, Salah Uddin Hasrat 
 GB Songs

This song was written by Salah Uddin Hasrat, and Mujee Ul Rehman Inqalabi is the lead vocalist. Many people who know me believe that my perspectives have shifted since you arrived into my life and grown into a beautiful flower in my heart. In addition, the lover asserts that there is no way out of my heart, and I believe him to be correct. Now that I've seen you, I can honestly say that I've never seen a more beautiful face than yours. Immediately following my adoration of you, he reminds me that I have missed to pray, and I express my regret for this. Since I have become entangled in your affection, my circumstances have worsened even further. Finally, he describes his feelings for her as "genuine" and "real.

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