Title: Juda Yaran Tharagin
Lyrics: Zafar Waqar Taj
Female Vocals and Staring : Almas Eman
Male Vocals and staring: Salman Paras
This team of Zafar Waqar Taj, Salman Paras and Almas Eman goes viral among Gilgit Balltistan.This is the most trending song of Gilgit Baltistan Songs.It most lovely song of Gileeto Album which is also most trending Album in the history of Music Industry of Gilgit Baltistan.
After That Salman Paras Starts his own band and his team where he performs with them named as "MAYOON".
After That Salman Paras Starts his own band and his team where he performs with them named as "MAYOON".
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