Aziz-Ur-Rahman Malangi recites His Poetry in Gahkuch Mushairaa || GB Songs

Mah Mah Bay Aki Thek Hanus
Mah Tuo Bam Thas Tou Bama Jaik

Aziz Ur Rehman Malangi:

A name in Shina poetry and legendary performance of him in recent Mushaira at Gahkuch. Recently Aziz Ur Rehman Malangi  completed his book "ISQHE MALANG". He wrote many shina Albums one of his top sufi song " Dunia Yah Thay Malangi " breaks his records in Shina Music history. He has no any educational certificates and he works in Gardens of Karakorum International University.
Malangi is as simple as John Elia.Belongs from Gallapur Valley of Distric Ghizer.This Village is well known for its music loving villagers.
